Tonight I was looking through some of my old shows that have been posted on YouTube, and I was so shocked at these videos that I snapped a few pics to share with you...
These were all shows from 2010... I don't think I can blame it all the camera...
The camera never lies.. I really was massive. haha.
It's always a good idea to look back and see how far you've come. I can guarantee you...
I don't look like that now.
Just a couple more weeks until the big unveiling. I'm excited.
Well just a quick update. I am doing fantastic, and getting things all ready to roll for the big unveiling of my new self at the Vernon 4th of July program..
By the way, this year at our program, KSL's Doug Wright will be our guest speaker, so if you feel like joining us, let me know and I can give you all the details.
I think it will be fun and I am very excited.
I am always trying to think of new blog posts, and exciting or pertinent things to talk about. It can be tough to think of new things all the time. So I'm always listening to what others say or questions people ask me that would make a good blog post.
This morning during our spin class Justin said something that got me thinking.
He said, "Create your own energy, don't be the person that constantly feeds off of other people's energy."
I thought about myself and if I'm the type of person that creates my own energy or do I just feed off of others.
I think I used to be just a feeder.
Now days I feel like I can take control of my life and create my own energy for others who were once in the same boat I was.
It didn't appear over night. I had to learn and watch from the best.. Justin.
He has a way of motivating people and making people feel like they are worth something better than anyone I know.
Anyone who hangs out with him for just a few minutes will realize it.
So if you are the one continually leeching off of other people's energy, stop and think of some things you can do to create your own energy field. So that people who are where you USED to be, can find their own too
You don't need to be half man/half dog to be your own best friend.
Be tough, push hard, but remember, there is no need to be mean to yourself...
What do I mean by that?? I am not talking about taking it easy in the gym. I am referring to the mental game.
It's a pretty sure bet that people who struggle to lose weight, really aren't on good terms with themselves. I know I wasn't.
You've beat yourself up long enough. Now it's time to start being friends. After all, you spend every day with yourself, so wouldn't it be nice to actually enjoy it.
Having said that, it's important to be a true friend, not an enabler friend. Be the kind of friend that will push you to be your best, call you out when needs be, and does it in a positive way.
If you try and go through a weigh loss process hoping it will go perfect. Believe me, it won't. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone gives in to temptation every once in awhile.
That's okay.
Use it as learning tool, and go about it differently the next time you are in the same situation.
So as corny as this whole post sounds, it is vital to your success that you begin to mend the fence with you and yourself.
Remember, you don't have to be hard on yourself to succeed.
Nobody says it better than Jack Palance in City Slickers.
So last weekend I talked to quite a few people who saw me for the first time since I dropped all this weight. I'm not gonna lie, it felt good to receive their compliments and pats on the back..
But I found it interesting that after the initial compliment, everyone asked the same general question.
"How did you do it??"
"What's your secret??"
followed by these sort of comments...
"I wish I could be that motivated."
or, "I could never do that."
So unlike Pepsi, Coke and KFC, who keep their secret ingredients locked up. I am about to unveil my secret ingredient for success..
One thing.
Okaaay, so what does that mean?
The "one thing" is the initial motivating factor that makes you want or need to change your life.
For me, the "one thing" happened on a night I remember very well.
It was mid December, I was sitting on the couch, eating of course, and watching the season 10 Biggest Loser finale. My mind started to wander and I began thinking about my future.
There I was 29 years old and weighed 320lbs. Since I just kept eating and gaining, how much would I weigh in a year? or 5 years? or 10? I'd just get fatter and fatter.
Then I thought about the risk of diabetes which runs rampant in my family. How much longer would it be til I had it?
All of these thoughts kept running through my mind. Then I looked up at the TV and they were previewing the season 11 contestants, and there were my pals, Justin and Rulon talking about their weight loss goals, and i knew that if they could do it, I sure can. Plus I didn't want them to come home skinny and still find me fat. haha.
Right then and there, something clicked inside me and I felt more motivated than ever before. I had found my "one thing".
Just like Jack said in that video, it is different for everyone.
I saw my Uncle Reece for the first time in many months on Sunday. He had lost 70lbs.
What was his one thing?? Well the doctor told him that if he didn't lower his blood pressure by losing weight he would have to go on medication, and to top it off, he was denied life insurance because of his weight.
So these motivating forces can come from anywhere.
Once you have that one thing in your mind, then you can begin to build on that with other motivating factors.
In my case, I built on my one thing by making my weight loss a very public matter. I created accountability. Someone to answer to. Someone who is counting on me to succeed.
What could be yours??
After you have built up this motivational brigade, the next step is sticking with it.
It can be hard to do it alone, so get a workout buddy who's not afraid to yell at you and push you. Or join a workout group that has the same goals in mind as you do.
Finally, celebrate in your accomplishments. Don't ever think about how much more you have to lose.. Think about how far you've come, and how the shirt you are wearing used to be so snug and now it drowns you. haha.. Go out and party for each weight loss milestone, anything to keep the spirit up and the "one thing" constantly at the forefront of your mind.
So there ya have it... My secret!
Now that you've read this, go back up and watch that video again. Find your "one thing"
I hope you all had an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. I know I did. It was nice and relaxing but again it's time to get back to work...
It's hard to believe that June is here. It marks the last month of this little journey.
Will I make it to 100??
Only time and a whole lotta sweating will tell..
For the final month, I am kicking it into high gear, my workouts are gonna become more intense and maybe a 4th visit to the gym everyday is in store. It is gonna be hard but I'm excited.
I want to make sure I reach that goal and maybe even surpass it.
So I am going off grid, as far as pictures and weigh-ins are concerned. I will still be blogging about different types of things. I have a few in mind already.. I had a lot of interesting conversations this weekend that I would like to talk about.
These next 30 days I will be working to make the littlest me possible. Buckle your seat belts, it could be a bumpy ride.
I will be unveiling my new self, in person, at the Vernon 4th of July program. So stay tuned.
I hope you were all able to watch the finale. It was a great end to a great season.
Justin did awesome, he was soooo close to winning the at-home prize. But congrats to Deni on winning. She lives in Centerville, so it was still nice for a Utah person to win.
Justin worked super hard and it paid off, here is his before and after pics He is planning on putting on about 30lbs of muscle now that the finale is over.
Some of you texted me last night wondering if he was okay.. He is fine.. He gets a little nervous when he is on TV and if you have ever stood and talked to him for a little while, you'd notice that he likes to move around. haha.. So he is all good. No worries. I'm sure he appreciates your concern.
The next big question I was asked was "Where was Rulon?"
Since Rulon walked off the show he wasn't eligible to to attend the finale. But I see him quite often and he is doing great. He is back at his competition weight and is even contemplating another go at the Olympics. Which is awesome.. Check out his before and after shots. So there ya have it, I hope I have cleared a few things up for you.
It was fun to watch them change all season long.
So here's an update on me...
Still working hard... I was home last weekend to celebrate my Ma's 60th birthday..
We had a great time.
Truth be told i have not hopped on the scale for weeks now. I have been gone every Saturday for awhile now.. But I'm still losing and my clothes are getting bigger.
I now have nothing nice to wear because all my clothes are too big.
First off, my apologies for once again slacking on this here blog..
With only a month and half left to go I have been really trying to buckle down and focus on working out and eating right, not blogging. haha
But I digress...
I wanted to talk a little bit about groups. We are social creatures, most everybody likes being with people. But there are some times when I prefer to be alone.
For example, in college I HATED when we had to do a group project. It never worked out well at all. There was always that one person who never pulled his weight and just let everyone else do the work. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when it comes to the hatred of group work.
When I first started working out I liked exercising alone. With the exception of my trainer. I didn't like going to the classes the gym offered because there were a lot of people and that just wasn't for me.
I think I had this paranoia that people were always watching me. haha.. So I steered away from the group workouts.
Well since I have joined forces with Justin and have been kinda forced to go to group workouts, I have grown to love them.
Now I am to the point where I can't workout alone.. It is just boring.
It's great to feed off the energy of Justin and the rest of the class. Plus everyone in there is going toward the same goal which makes judgement disappear and encouragement enhance.
Plus it makes me more accountable. Not only do I have to answer to Justin if I slack off, but also the rest of the group..
So if you're looking for that motivation to get to the gym, join a class or find a group that has an awesome instructor and people who are working towards the same goals as you.
Hips hurt, quads hurt, knees hurt and ankles hurt.
Worth it?? You Betcha!!!
I can honestly say that I would have laughed in your face if you told me a year ago that I would: 1. Want to run in a half marathon and, 2. Actually finish.
But both came to pass last Saturday.
What a day it was, the weather was just ideal and the company was too..
Once again my buddy Matt was right there helping me blast through the chatter for the first 5 miles then he went on ahead.
I ran the first 10 miles which impressed me. I wasn't planning on running straight for 10 miles, but when I tried to walk all the blood that was pumping through my legs made it difficult to walk decent, so it was more comfortable running. Isn't the body great..
The last 3 miles I did intervals, I would run a little while then walk for a bit. By the end my running was the same speed as my walking. haha
The chatter was getting pretty loud by about mile 11 and my body was running out of steam. It's funny, I wasn't out of breath or exhausted but my legs were spent, they felt like tree trunks. But I pressed on.
When I rounded the last turn and saw the finish line in the distance, I knew I was home free.
What a great feeling it was to get close to the finish line and have family and friends and complete strangers there cheering you on and clapping and whistling. I felt like a million bucks.
My official time was 3hrs 8 minutes.
I am very glad I did it.
Next up? Full Marathon??
Well maybe not yet. But I am planning another half marathon for August.
If you are looking to lose weight, this greek yogurt is the bomb. It's packed full of protein which helps build muscle and burns fat, plus it's low in calories.
And because it is full of protein you will feel full longer.
There is just one problem, and I eluded to it at the beginning of this post.
It really is like eating paste. So if you were one of those kids in elementary who was really into that, then rekindle that old flame.
If you weren't. Well the benefits of eating greek yogurt outweigh the cost of choking it down.
Lately it seems like the weeks just run together, I think this is Week 17.
If it isn't... Who cares.
It's been a great week. Ran my first 5K, got a great time, and I am now beginning to lose weight quickly again after gaining back 7 a couple weeks ago.
I normally post this on Saturday but I didn't have time, so I guess it's better late than never.
I was nervous leading up to it then just excited as it got closer and closer.
I have gone to a lot of these races as the "support crew" but never as a participant. It was a great feeling to walk up to the registration table and pick up my official number.
Once we started I learned very early about the importance of having the right mindset. We picked a pace and we stuck with it.
My buddy Matt came up from Salt Lake to run with me, and I'm sure glad he was there. I know he could've gone a lot faster and been done a lot quicker but he stayed with me and helped me "blast through the chatter."
Blasting through the chatter is what Justin calls the ignoring and overcoming of negative thoughts in your head. Thoughts like, "You can't finish this, it's just too hard."
I had two goals going into this 5k...
1. Run the entire thing.
2. Finish under 40 minutes.
I did both... We kept our pace the whole time, and finished just over 34 minutes.
It was a thrill to pass that finish line and have people cheer for you.. Much better than being on the "support crew."
Here is a pic of us all at the finish line. Justin, me, Matt, and Meg. Just to clarify, my number was pinned to my hoodie. haha It was a great day.
On the sleeve of Justin's Call Out shirts it says, "Damn Proud of Who I Am," today I know what it means.
Next weekend: Half Marathon. Bring it!
(P.S. I will be posting weigh-in results tomorrow. Didn't have time to get an accurate weight this morning.)
The title of this post is something I would never say..
I don't really like running, and even though I am much smaller now than i used to be, I am still not a fan. But I do it anyway..
In my 30 years of existence I have never participated in any form of race or charity run... until now.
I am happy to announce that this weekend I will be taking part in my first ever 5k.. Most of you probably have done dozens of these, but it's a big step for me.
The following weekend will be an even bigger step. I will be running (then walking..then probably crawling..then being hauled away in an ambulance) in a half marathon.
I am terribly excited for both.
It is fun to think that 4 months ago I couldn't walk up the stairs to my apartment without becoming out of breath, and now here I am running in races.
My apologies for going a week without blogging. I'm sure you were all just starved for inspiration. :)
This past week was eventful. On Tuesday night my parents came to town..
Now I know I had said I wasn't going to see my family until July, but I had given my parents tickets to "Fiddler on the Roof" which was being performed up here on Tuesday and Wednesday.
When I gave them the tickets, this whole "road to 100" thing, wasn't even in my mind.
Anyway we went to the show, which was fantastic, and enjoyed the next day just hanging out.
Since I had already seen them I decided I might as well give the rest of the fam a sneak peak of my almost sexy bod. So I went to Vernon for Easter.
It was great to be home and in the town I love.
Easter was great, Vernon was great, and the fam was great. But now it's time to get back to work. July 4th is coming up fast.
So my 30th birthday is gonna be here in less than a month.
May 11th to be exact.
Since this has been a year full of change and enlightenment; I really want to do something I have never done before..
I've been thinking about it over and over, and then I saw the Biggest Loser episode when they arrived in Ocklund New Zealand and jumped off of the Sky Tower..
It looked awesome...
I obviously can't just hop on a plane to New Zealand and jump off the Sky Tower, but it got me wondering about what they offer down at the Stratosphere in Vegas...
Lo and behold!
They have the same ride.
Check it out!
So that is what I want to do for my 30th birthday. The greatest part is, there is a weight limit and I'm below it. haha. That hasn't happened in a long time.
Well for the past two weeks I have been doing a whole new workout routine. It's involved a lot of spinning, planks, circuit strength training, and my new love...boxing.
These have been awesome workouts, huge calorie burns, and I feel fantastic.
Perhaps I can whip these T-Rex arms into shape after all. haha
Well I didn't weigh in last week and when I jumped on the scale today it was quite a shocker..
Now you would think I would be distraught about this. I am a little shocked. But my clothes haven't got any tighter, I don't look fatter, and I've never felt better in my life.
These past two weeks I have been working out harder than I ever had. So it's no surprise I have been building muscle, which in turn will burn calories quicker.
So I am excited to see where this week will lead, I am learning that weight loss isn't all just about a number on a scale.
Today while I was on the elliptical I kept getting little whiffs of a pleasant scent.
I couldn't recognize it but it smelled like cologne, and I thought.. "Who wears cologne to the gym?"
So I turned to see who was working out around me... Nobody!
"Well that is weird, I guess it was just somebody walking by," I said to myself.
Then a little bit later I could smell it again..
I finally realized it was me...
And I smiled.
If anybody is looking for an awesome deodorant, that makes you smell like a million bucks, while sweating it out in the gym.
Here ya go..
And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE wear deodorant to the gym. Meg and I had the most unfortunate experience of working out next to a teenage boy whose mother obviously did not stress the importance of wearing it.. Whew!
This morning was almost a puke workout, but not because of the work out.
My apologies for doing such a terrible job at posting this week. But it was jammed packed with a ton of awesome stuff that I will share with you.
I am not doing a weigh-in, because this week was more about motivation than losing weight, as you will see below.
I spent most of this week hanging out with the cast of Biggest Loser Season 11.
It was Awesome..
My buddy Justin Pope, invited all his comrades from the ranch up to Logan for a few days of working out and meeting fans.
Anyway, long story short.. I met, became acquainted, and am now friends with all my favorites from Biggest Loser..
Before I get to the B.L. pics, I wanted to show you this one... I was watching some Valley Channel clips the other day and came across an interview I did back in December of 2010. I was so disgusted that I paused the clip and took this picture. Take a look. That is awful.. Again I will say it, I was a big Ol' dude.
I wanted to post this one first, because this will be the first time I've posted a lot of pics of me, you've only seen a few here and there, so I wanted to give you something to compare them against. Me and Moses, one of my very favorite contestants.
Sarah and Denni, the Pink Team.. Super super nice.
Me, Meg, and Dee with Justin and Arthur. The next morning, we drove Arthur to the airport. He kept us entertained the whole way down.
Brad, Meg, and Dee with Sarah, Kaylee, Courtney, Austin, and Vance.
Me and Brett, what an awesome trainer.
The whole gang, hanging out at the Crystal...
This week has given me so much motivation to finish out these last 45 lbs. I got good advice and encouragement from all of them.
Yesterday marked the 3 month milestone since I started this little journey. Time flies when you are having fun I suppose.
And this week marks week 13.. And what a busy week it was.
Out of the blue I got a job offer that will get me back doing what I love...
I accepted a job with Kix 96, the top rated country station for Northern Utah and Southern Idaho, as their midday DJ. Also the plans are in the works to have me co-host the morning show.
I am super excited about this!
With all this excitement and going to different meetings, I didn't get as much working out as I would like.
Well yesterday I decided to make another round through my clothes and get rid of what no longer fit. I really want to get rid of the clothes that are too big because i never want to allow myself a path to get that big again.
I ended up with another garbage bag full and a closet that is becoming more and more empty.
Yah know it's funny.. When I look in the mirror I can see a little difference, but when I try on a shirt I could barely button and it drowns me, that's when I know something must be going on.
The suit jacket I am wearing in this picture.... Is now MASSIVE!!!!
Geez. I was a big ol' dude. Why didn't anybody tell me. haha
We all know people who when asked to do something, always have a reason to put it off or not do it all. It may be a family member, a friend, or someone at work.
I feel pretty confident in saying that these people drive us crazy. Right??
Well the other day I was driving home from work and began thinking of things I had to do before the day was over.. Then the next thought that followed was...
Aww man, I don't want to do all that.
Then I began thinking of all the reasons to NOT do them...
After this mind battle went on for several minutes. I got fed up said to myself...out loud
And you know what? I listened. My whole mindset changed.
I am one who normally never talks to myself out loud. Until I discovered that day what a powerful tool it is, especially about getting to the gym.
If your mind begins thinking all of the reasons to not go to the gym that day, begin saying them to yourself out loud.
"I'm too tired." "I worked too hard today" "I'll go tomorrow"
All of sudden you turn into that person that annoys you. The one who makes excuses all the time.
After naming off several excuses, you realize how much of a whiner you are.
You get mad,
Tell yourself to buck up (out loud, of course)
and move ahead.
Having these mind battles, that we're all so familiar with, out loud can help you overcome them.
Once you realize that your excuses are as petty as the excuses you hear from that individual that annoys you; you will be victorious.
One word of advice, these audible conversations with yourself probably shouldn't take place in public.
You will feel crazy enough doing it in private. But it does work.
In order to stay on track, I have to weigh 269 by April 1st.
Today is March 19th
So let's see the results.
Here they are...
Week 10 Weight - 274lbs
Week 11 Weight - 271lbs
3 lbs = total weigh loss of 49lbs
Not too shabby.
So I quickly want to mention something I talked about in an earlier post...
Apparently spinning in the dark is a common practice. hahaha I was made aware of that by several people.
I thought it was something new and cool.
But to my defense, I have only been to spinning classes taught by the same instructor, who never turns the lights off. So when this guest instructor did... Well you can see how I got confused. haha
Thank you all again for your supportive comments. It's a great feeling to have so many people rooting for me.