Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 10 Results

Well it's that time again...

After a bye week last week I was excited to jump on the scale.

Here are the results for Week 10

Last Weigh-In - 280lbs

Current Weight- 274lbs


6 lbs for a total weight loss of 46lbs

My goal for this next week is to get passed the halfway mark and begin the downward slope.



  1. Go Jared! Go Jared! I hear Kari and Matt visited your gym and tried out the ropes. I want to do that the next time I'm there.

  2. Seriously Jared... This is nuts! A1 - I'd really like to see you. And B2 I really don't think I want to see you cause 1/2 of you would be missing and I'm not sure I could handle that! But congratulations and keep on keepin' on!
