We all know people who when asked to do something, always have a reason to put it off or not do it all. It may be a family member, a friend, or someone at work.
I feel pretty confident in saying that these people drive us crazy. Right??
Well the other day I was driving home from work and began thinking of things I had to do before the day was over.. Then the next thought that followed was...
Aww man, I don't want to do all that.
Then I began thinking of all the reasons to NOT do them...
After this mind battle went on for several minutes. I got fed up said to myself...out loud
And you know what? I listened. My whole mindset changed.
I am one who normally never talks to myself out loud. Until I discovered that day what a powerful tool it is, especially about getting to the gym.
If your mind begins thinking all of the reasons to not go to the gym that day, begin saying them to yourself out loud.
"I'm too tired."
"I worked too hard today"
"I'll go tomorrow"
All of sudden you turn into that person that annoys you. The one who makes excuses all the time.
After naming off several excuses, you realize how much of a whiner you are.
You get mad,
Tell yourself to buck up (out loud, of course)
and move ahead.
Having these mind battles, that we're all so familiar with, out loud can help you overcome them.
Once you realize that your excuses are as petty as the excuses you hear from that individual that annoys you; you will be victorious.
One word of advice, these audible conversations with yourself probably shouldn't take place in public.
You will feel crazy enough doing it in private. But it does work.
Give it a try.