Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Always Better in a Group

First off, my apologies for once again slacking on this here blog..

With only a month and half left to go I have been really trying to buckle down and focus on working out and eating right, not blogging. haha

But I digress...

I wanted to talk a little bit about groups. We are social creatures, most everybody likes being with people. But there are some times when I prefer to be alone.

For example, in college I HATED when we had to do a group project. It never worked out well at all. There was always that one person who never pulled his weight and just let everyone else do the work. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when it comes to the hatred of group work.

When I first started working out I liked exercising alone. With the exception of my trainer. I didn't like going to the classes the gym offered because there were a lot of people and that just wasn't for me.

I think I had this paranoia that people were always watching me. haha.. So I steered away from the group workouts.

Well since I have joined forces with Justin and have been kinda forced to go to group workouts, I have grown to love them.

Now I am to the point where I can't workout alone.. It is just boring.

It's great to feed off the energy of Justin and the rest of the class. Plus everyone in there is going toward the same goal which makes judgement disappear and encouragement enhance.

Plus it makes me more accountable. Not only do I have to answer to Justin if I slack off, but also the rest of the group..

So if you're looking for that motivation to get to the gym, join a class or find a group that has an awesome instructor and people who are working towards the same goals as you.

It will make a huge difference.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Thanks for taking time to share your inspiring thoughts!
