The other night we were doing circuit training, we had about 14 different stations including things like push-ups, squats, and other aerobic and anaerobic workouts.
One of the stations was the body dip. I had never done one of these before. The picture below will give you a good visual of what a body dip is...

Basically you just raise and lower yourself at a controlled pace. It is an awesome tricep workout, especially for someone with T-Rex arms, like yours truly.
Since this was my first time, Kamie explained the less intense version of a body dip. This variation is to have your legs bent, instead of straight out in front of you.
Well here I go....
I try the less intense version. It was pretty easy, but tough enough for my little T-Rex appendages.
Then, out of nowhere, I said. "These are pretty easy"
Words that should never be said to a trainer... haha
Right then Kamie switched me to the other variation, and boy oh boy. That was a lot tougher.
She made me do them to the point where after I was done, I could not lift my arms above my head.
In retrospect, I am glad i said it. That is what having a trainer is all about. They push you farther and harder than you would ever push yourself, they make you do things you didn't think was possible..
If you don't want to push yourself...
I recommend keeping your big trap shut!