Welcome to Week 2... After a successful first week I am hoping that the streak continues throughout this one.
A lot of you have asked me to describe my workouts and some of the exercises Kamie has me doing.
I would love to. Feel free to try any of them.
M-W-F are cardio days. I spend most of the time on the treadmill doing intervals. Intervals are quick periods of running that really boost the ol' heart rate.
Kamie has me do 3 sets of intervals with 6 reps in each set.
So the first set is just upping the treadmill to a jogging speed and holding it for 45 seconds, then back to walking for 45, then another rep for 45 and so on...
The second set is increasing the speed even higher and holding it for 30 seconds. That set is repeated 6 times.
The third and final set is going the fastest you can run and holding it for 15 seconds. Repeating it 6 times..
We sometimes throw a few lunges around the gym; and some squats in there as well..
This workout is awesome, because it keeps that heart rate elevated and you can tailor the speed of the intervals to your capabilities.
Tues-Thurs workouts are become affectionately known as the "Puke Workout" as many around the gym have succumbed to the urge to hurl after doing this workout. I am among them. :)
So here is the "Puke Workout," an assortment of high intensity exercises being performed in short spurts of time.
The first exercise is the ropes:

The ropes are done in 3 sets and 3 reps, each for 30 seconds. The first set is moving the arms together as if you are slamming your fists on a counter..
The second is moving the arms opposite from one another like you are beating a drum.
The third and final is moving the arms horizontally like you are slamming cymbals together.
These. Are. Intense. :)
Next is spinning sprints.

We do 3 sets of 30 seconds spinning sprints. The bike seat is the most painful part of this exercise.
We then move to the medicine ball.

3 sets of picking up and slamming down the medicine ball as fast as you can go
Working with the TRX is next.

These are tough. 3 sets of 30 seconds, just as many as you can do.
After that is planks.

3 sets. One on both sides and one face down.
45 seconds for these.
Then after all of this we end on the treadmill just for a good brisk walk to safely bring the heart rate down.
But wait, it's not over. We forgot the abs..
This workout can be done anywhere..

But I'm sure you and those around you would prefer this workout be done in a toilet. :)
So there ya have it... My weekly workout. Feel free to give it a try!
I want someone to record you doing these.