I was nervous leading up to it then just excited as it got closer and closer.
I have gone to a lot of these races as the "support crew" but never as a participant. It was a great feeling to walk up to the registration table and pick up my official number.
Once we started I learned very early about the importance of having the right mindset. We picked a pace and we stuck with it.
My buddy Matt came up from Salt Lake to run with me, and I'm sure glad he was there. I know he could've gone a lot faster and been done a lot quicker but he stayed with me and helped me "blast through the chatter."
Blasting through the chatter is what Justin calls the ignoring and overcoming of negative thoughts in your head. Thoughts like, "You can't finish this, it's just too hard."
I had two goals going into this 5k...
1. Run the entire thing.
2. Finish under 40 minutes.
I did both... We kept our pace the whole time, and finished just over 34 minutes.
It was a thrill to pass that finish line and have people cheer for you.. Much better than being on the "support crew."
Here is a pic of us all at the finish line. Justin, me, Matt, and Meg.
Just to clarify, my number was pinned to my hoodie. haha

It was a great day.
On the sleeve of Justin's Call Out shirts it says, "Damn Proud of Who I Am," today I know what it means.
Next weekend: Half Marathon. Bring it!
(P.S. I will be posting weigh-in results tomorrow. Didn't have time to get an accurate weight this morning.)