Nobody says it better than Jack Palance in City Slickers.
So last weekend I talked to quite a few people who saw me for the first time since I dropped all this weight. I'm not gonna lie, it felt good to receive their compliments and pats on the back..
But I found it interesting that after the initial compliment, everyone asked the same general question.
"How did you do it??"
"What's your secret??"
followed by these sort of comments...
"I wish I could be that motivated."
or, "I could never do that."
So unlike Pepsi, Coke and KFC, who keep their secret ingredients locked up. I am about to unveil my secret ingredient for success..
One thing.
Okaaay, so what does that mean?
The "one thing" is the initial motivating factor that makes you want or need to change your life.
For me, the "one thing" happened on a night I remember very well.
It was mid December, I was sitting on the couch, eating of course, and watching the season 10 Biggest Loser finale. My mind started to wander and I began thinking about my future.
There I was 29 years old and weighed 320lbs. Since I just kept eating and gaining, how much would I weigh in a year? or 5 years? or 10? I'd just get fatter and fatter.
Then I thought about the risk of diabetes which runs rampant in my family. How much longer would it be til I had it?
All of these thoughts kept running through my mind. Then I looked up at the TV and they were previewing the season 11 contestants, and there were my pals, Justin and Rulon talking about their weight loss goals, and i knew that if they could do it, I sure can. Plus I didn't want them to come home skinny and still find me fat. haha.
Right then and there, something clicked inside me and I felt more motivated than ever before. I had found my "one thing".
Just like Jack said in that video, it is different for everyone.
I saw my Uncle Reece for the first time in many months on Sunday. He had lost 70lbs.
What was his one thing?? Well the doctor told him that if he didn't lower his blood pressure by losing weight he would have to go on medication, and to top it off, he was denied life insurance because of his weight.
So these motivating forces can come from anywhere.
Once you have that one thing in your mind, then you can begin to build on that with other motivating factors.
In my case, I built on my one thing by making my weight loss a very public matter. I created accountability. Someone to answer to. Someone who is counting on me to succeed.
What could be yours??
After you have built up this motivational brigade, the next step is sticking with it.
It can be hard to do it alone, so get a workout buddy who's not afraid to yell at you and push you. Or join a workout group that has the same goals in mind as you do.
Finally, celebrate in your accomplishments. Don't ever think about how much more you have to lose.. Think about how far you've come, and how the shirt you are wearing used to be so snug and now it drowns you. haha.. Go out and party for each weight loss milestone, anything to keep the spirit up and the "one thing" constantly at the forefront of your mind.
So there ya have it... My secret!
Now that you've read this, go back up and watch that video again. Find your "one thing"